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Haley Pazder

An Apple A Day...

This phrase has been around for ever! "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" But it means so much more than just eating an apple a day keeps you healthy. One apple everyday is a small step in the right direction. Add a different apple the next day and you're multiplying your success! Take this lesson and use it this week! View those apples as habits or lessons. 🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏

Mondays apple could be a healthy snack! Tuesdays apple could be more water! (See what I did there?)😉 Wednesdays apple could be 30 minutes of exercise! Thursday could be resisting sweets! Friday could be portion control! Keep on adding to your apples from earlier and you'll end up with a beautiful orchard called health and happiness! Who knew?!?!?!

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