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Fitness Advice from Women over 50: Chris Borusiewicz

Introducing our second of seven fabulously fit women over the age of 50! Chris is a wife, mother of four, grandmother of one, retired school teacher and a lover of traveling and spending time with her friends and family. She knows that balancing her family life, her health and social life are all important to maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle. Chris has managed to find a way to merge all of those things into one -- by attending Group Exercise classes at Uptown Fitness.

Before joining group classes, Chris states she was doing "okay" with fitness. She had worked out on her own in the mornings, tried home workout programs and has always been a "walker". She says, "I knew I had to do a little more to help myself stay on track and hold myself accountable". And accountability is exactly what she got! Chris has now been attending classes for over a year!

Chris first heard about Haley's classes from a friend. Her and her daughter decided to give it a try and they are now regulars in both of Haley's classes (Cardio Kickboxing and Bootcamp). Chris states, "At first I struggled but didn't give up. I know I have gotten stronger and enjoy the classes I attend especially because my daughter and I get to spend time together doing something we enjoy". Now Chris states, "I always build my day around two things: babysitting my grandson and classes at the gym!".

When Chris was asked what she loved the most about the classes she shared this: "Haley is a GREAT motivator!!! I love the music, the exercises and modifications. It is always changing and is so upbeat that it makes you want to come back for more! I enjoy getting a good workout, but I also enjoy being with Haley and the others I have met while taking classes! I think of us as a family."

Chris' advice to those who might be intimidated to join a class is this: "Try it!!! You are stronger and better than you think!!! Ease yourself into getting fit and attending classes! If you don't take care of yourself, no one is going to do it for you!!!"

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